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The experience of implementing automation in Azarakhsh Energy Moham Sharq Company and the international experience of selling foreign products created the need for a software with all the capabilities of foreign software and in line with the requirements of power station operation in the country.

After presenting the initial plans to Tavanir Company, a contract was signed for the production of domestic automation software with a focus on the Khorasan Regional Electric Company.

The aSAS software suite, developed for electrical substations and power stations, has been in use since 2013. Initially deployed at the 132/20 kV Koohestaan Mashhad substation, it has since been adopted across various industries, including urban rail transit. The software has received numerous certifications from regulatory bodies such as regional electric companies and the Ministry of Industry.


Years of Service to the Power Industry

Our primary goal throughout these years has been to become a key player in the country’s power industry and, in the face of unjust sanctions, to be a strong arm for this industry


Continuously growing

As a pioneer in automation software, aSAS has been constantly expanding and developing its team


Technical Certification

Our company has received technical certifications from key national organizations, including regional electric companies, Tavanir Company, the Passive Defense Organization, and the Information Technology Organization.


Environmental Sustainability

By reducing risks in electrical projects, operator errors, and equipment failures through automation, we have taken significant steps towards environmental sustainability and reducing pollution


Job Creation

Entrepreneurship and capital circulation are indispensable pillars of any national project. aSAS has directly and indirectly created jobs for over 40 people in recent years


Superior Customer Focus

Over the years, not only have our customers been satisfied with our performance, but they have also recommended us to others, increasing our base of satisfied clients

This is the cornerstone of a

successful partnership